
 [2021 latest] Canon single-lens camera & lens all product summary. Introducing the characteristics of manufacturers and future prospects

                       Image source – Google| Image by.borrowlenses.comblog

Canon is the largest in the digital camera world.

It is a manufacturer that everyone has heard of, and it is overwhelmingly well-known and popular, still boasting the No. 1 share in the single-lens camera market.

In recent years, we have been developing mirrorless interchangeable-lens cameras, and we are beginning to show our presence in the mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera market in combination with the technological capabilities we have cultivated in the development of single-lens reflex cameras.

Features of Canon

Canon is an integral part of the digital camera market.

It has a long history in the camera world, and various products have been developed since the film camera era. The tendency to shift from single-lens reflex camera to mirrorless

When it comes to Canon SLR cameras, the impression of a single-lens reflex camera is overwhelming, but since the EOS R series was released in 2018, it seems that we have been focusing on the development of mirrorless single-lens cameras.

The public attention has already shifted to mirrorless interchangeable-lens cameras instead of single-lens reflex cameras, and in recent years, the release of mirrorless interchangeable-lens cameras has been conspicuous so that the largest Canon and this trend will not be overlooked.

From beginner to advanced

The lineup that is being developed is extremely rich, from entry models for beginners who can easily and easily shoot even those who have never touched the camera to models for professionals that professional photographers use in the field. It is a lineup of.

And the technical capabilities cultivated through many years of development are linked to the stability of camera operation, which has the advantage of stable quality.

A wide range of compatible lenses

We will introduce the camera body and genuine lenses later as a list of lineups, but the number of genuine lenses on sale is very large, and you can choose the lens that suits your shooting scene.

From wide-angle lenses to super-telephoto lenses, the price range is wide, and you can choose the right lens while looking at the performance and price you want.

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